Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Experience & Certifications

  • I am currently working towards licensure as a Marriage & Family Therapist. The process takes a minimum of 2 years of work to obatain a license.
  • During the time that I am working towards licensure, I will be supervised by a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. I am also currently working to obtain a temporary license to function under until I am able to obtain my license.
  • December 2010 Master's in Marriage & Family Therapy
  • December 2003 Bachelor's in Social Work
  • Bachelor's level work:  I worked for 4.5 years as a family advocate/case manager (2 of those years were served as a supervisor over the program)
  • Bachelor's level work:  Served as a supervisor over a Girl's Group Home that housed 8 females, age 13-18
  • Certified in PREPARE- Pre-Marital Therapy http://www.prepare-enrich.com/
  • Certified in ScreamFree Parenting & Marriages http://www.screamfree.com/
  • Currently I serve as a facilitator of a support group for women who are victims of Domestic Violence through Bridges of Williamson County.  If you have quetsions about participating in this group or similar groups, I will be happy to link you to those groups.

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